Jay Jay’s diary of her 1927 European trip with her older sister “MH,” parents “Nomie” and “HB” and a nanny. Rosalie would have been too small.
(1927) Tuesday, May 17 New York.
First we went to [FAO] Schwartz And I bought four things Then we went to the [Metropolitan] museum [of Art] and saw some mummies. The things I liked best was old fashion peoples dresses and we saw the french bed an old fashioned bed. Then we went to the boat and I did not like the whistle.”
Wednesday, May 18 On the boat.
To-day we played with our dolls And then we saw the boys in the swimming pool And then I wrote a letter to my friend And I fixed my little room And went on the top deck and saw the life boats” [It is likely Jay’s older sister, Mary Howard (“MH”) in the picture]
Thursday, May 19 On the boat.
To-day on the boat we went on the top deck and saw the life boats And played on the game place. And then saw the horse races And then we saw the people in swimming”
Friday, May 20 On the boat.
Today we watched nearly all the day the games and played with the flower game. I made a blue flower and a yellow rose I don't know what kind of flower the blue one was. And today we went in to the swimming pool and swam a little but I did not want to get out.”
Saturday, May 21 On the boat.
To-day we had our swimming lesson saw the horse races on B deck. And we also played deck tennis and made friends with Betty Rogers and also her brother and I finished [my book] Pal o’mine king of the turf my book [Read it here].
Sunday, May 22 On the boat.
On the boat to-day we played with Betty Rogers and her brother we played checkers with them and I won the game. And we went had our swimming lesson and Mary Howard Jumped in.”
Monday, May 23 On the boat.
To-day I went in swimming and I Jumped in, and we saw Scilly Islands, and we saw Lands End, and we played with Betty Rogers and her brother, and we played deck tennis, and a boy came and spoiled our game and we went on the other court.
Tuesday, May 24 On the boat.
Yesterday on the boat in the morning some people got off at Cherbourg, then we went for a walk on the boat deck, and we saw France and then we had breakfast, and we saw The Isle of Wight and when we got to the dock we saw a lot of boats. And after that we got on a funny train.
Wednesday, May 25 In London.
To-day we went for a long walk and saw Buckingham Palace and saw them changing guard and then we went into a park and the name of the park was St. James park and saw some lovely iris it was yellow and purple and pink. And we saw some lovely lupin it was purple and yellow and pink. And on the wall of the garden there were sharp little spikes on the garden wall to keep people out of the garden and then we got a taxi cab and saw rotten row [link] and saw the horses. And then we went to Westminster Abbey and we saw the Stone of Scone [link].
Thursday, May 26 In London.
Today the we went to the Tower of London and saw the stone where they cut the heads off the people, and we saw the axe too. And we saw the coats of Armour and we saw the place where the two little princes in the tower were kept. Then we saw the beef eaters in red coats. Then we saw a dungeon.
Friday, May 27 In London.
First we and we went to Liberty's and each got a dress and we met Betty Rogers and her brother. And this afternoon we went to the flower show. And we got a nice car today
Saturday, May 28 Hampton Court, London.
Today we went to Hampton Court and saw a lovely Fountain and we saw some lovely gardens and we saw the boats on the river. Then we went upstairs and saw some lovely pictures. One picture was of Adam and Eve, and we saw some of the beds where Kings and Queens slept. And we saw some lovely trees
Sunday, May 29 Day trip to Maidstone from London.
Today we went in the car and we stopped at Maidstone and had lunch and then we walked around and then we got in the car and drove on. And had to get out of the car and we picked some buttercups, and then we had to get out of the car again and we stayed out a little longer, and picked some more butter cups, and Mary Howard went to sleep coming home.
Monday, May 30 In London.
Today we went to Libertys and got a dress. And then we went to Hyde Park and watched the horses, and in the afternoon we went to the park again and fed the ducks and the birds and we played Ponys and I was the pony and we saw the swans they were white, and at lunch I got a box of candy and Mary Howard got a box of candy too!
MH and Jay feeding the birds at Hyde Park