In June 1937, Jay (aged 18) checked the first 11 poems below in a copy of “A Further Range” by Robert Frost.
40 years later, Jay checked 28 poems (all but 1-4 below) in a book of Robert Frost poems Teek gave her in March, 1977.
Click title to read. Click poem to return.

  1. Lost in Heaven

  2. Moon Compasses

  3. Neither Out Far Nor In Deep

  4. The Figure in the Doorway

  5. Two Tramps In Mud Time (or, “A Full-time Interest”)

  6. Desert Places

  7. They Were Welcome To Their Belief

  8. The Strong Are Saying Nothing

  9. After-flakes

  10. Unharvested

  11. The Bearer Of Evil Tidings

  12. A Late Walk

  13. Rose Pogonias

  14. The Old Barn at the Bottom of the Fogs (or, “Class Prejudice Afoot”)

  15. October

  16. Reluctance

  17. Mending Wall

  18. After Apple-Picking

  19. The Wood-Pile

  20. The Road Not Taken

  21. Birches

  22. Fragmentary Blue

  23. The Onset

  24. Two Look At Two

  25. Looking For A Sunset Bird In Winter

  26. The Need Of Being Versed In Country Things

  27. Atmosphere

  28. A Peck Of Gold

  29. A Winter Eden

  30. Acquainted With The Night

  31. Leaves Compared With Flowers

  32. Happiness Makes Up In Height